- We have a 27 MHz city band transmitter/receiver. So far we never used it, but we expected to need it in Australia;
- We have walkie-talkies to communicate when we travel in two cars with family or friends;
- We had a borrowed satellite phone with us, mainly to be able to receive urgent messages from home; however, as both purchase price of the phone and subscription fees are high we later replaced it with a satellite messenger . This solution is much less expensive and serves the purpose just as well;
- For less urgent issues we use mainly WhatsApp and email. In most countries we bought a prepaid SIM with data package;
- WiFi was available at many camp sites in South America and increasingly in Africa. On may campgrounds in Australia it was available as well, but it was usually slow and allowed for a low amount of data. In Australia we therefore mostly used 4G. Check iOverlander for details per camping;
- In Iran, Sudan and to a certain level also in Uganda we experienced restrictions in internet access, for example Facebook or Weebly, the site that we use to create our website. We used some VPN-tools to circumvent the restrictions, but access stayed difficult and became slow. Make sure that you have downloaded and configured the required apps before you enter a country with restrictions. we also have sent a newsletter instead of updating the site if that was impossible (also if the internet was too slow). Sites and apps to look at: http://proxy.org/, http://zend2.com/, http://newipnow.com/ or http://www.securitykiss.com.